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Tina Takes a Tumble [Reunion Series Book II] Page 6

  "You mean that?” He pulled back enough to search her eyes.

  She nodded. “No guarantees, but I'm willing to consider it."

  "Well, in that case, I can tell you that I've decided to give up teaching. I've done my part to lower the world's stress level. It's time to pass the baton—or flogger, as the case may be—to a new Master. Biggus Diccus has been aching for the job.” He waggled his brows at her, Groucho Marx fashion. “I'm going to keep the club, though. It makes damn good money."

  He named a sum that left her speechless for a second. She'd guessed the place did well but not that well. Devil Dave's Cave—garish décor notwithstanding—was netting more than her and Angel's company, and T&A Jewels was no financial slouch.

  So, okay, they were both ace entrepreneurs. Chalk up another area of common ground.

  Hey, that's an idea...

  "Why don't I design an exclusive line of jewelry for you to sell there? Slave bracelets and jeweled handcuffs and stuff."

  "And nipple clamps, don't forget them."

  Ew. Oh, well, if she had to ... “I'll see what I can come up with."

  Dave flashed her one of his to-die-for grins. “We're going to make a great team."

  Team. Yeah, that was the idea. It was no sacrifice to belong to someone when they belonged to you, too. If they did end up married, someday, there'd be equality in the union, she was certain.

  In a thoughtful mood, she sighed. “How did we ever lose contact with each other in the first place?"

  "I've been pondering that myself.” His brow furrowed. “It happened when Giorgio and Angel split, didn't it, right after graduation? He was my best buddy and she was yours. I suppose, without realizing it, we picked sides and let their break-up sour what friendship we had, as well. Then I went off to college, and by the time I came home again, you'd moved away. Where, I didn't know, and I was too busy ... um, living up to my initials to find out."

  "And I was too busy proving my independence to even consider coming back here to look for you. Guess that makes me a DH, too, huh."

  "I told you we're alike."

  We're both smart-asses, that's for sure.

  She beamed him a smile. “Well, better late than never, as Mom would say. At least we finally got it together. Lucky thing, too. I'd have made a lousy librarian. Whispering never was my strong suit."

  "And I'd have been miserable stuck in Pittsburgh traffic for fifty years. How can you speed when it's bumper-to-bumper?” His laughter vibrated against her stomach, and his lips descended till they almost touched hers. “Now that we've got all that settled, what do you say we make love ... like normal people?"

  "Ah, hell, and I was just getting used to being dominated—Eeeek!” She squealed as he entered her with a sudden, sharp thrust. “Oooh, yes, yesss! Impale me on your huge lance, my fierce kni—"

  "Shut up.” His mouth ground down on hers, and his tongue plunged in, eating the cries out of her as the loving began. Slow and sensual at first, then faster, deeper ... a torrid tempo of smooth, slick strokes. Jungle rhythms of the flesh. The drumbeat of pounding pulses and humping, bumping hips. A carnal concert conducted by a virtuoso, a maestro who knew his stuff, who made every move count.

  A man who fucked her with frightening finesse—blinding her, blistering her, filling her from top to bottom with hot kisses and hard cock.

  Ooooh my God...

  Tina's eyes crossed. She spasmed and quaked and almost passed out as an orgasm flattened her like a steamroller. Before she could see straight again, Dave was pulling away and lifting her with him. He ended up seated in the rear of the car, like a passenger enjoying a Sunday drive. She returned to awareness to find herself draped face forward, headfirst over the back of the front seat, like a sack of meal, with her skirt bunched high about her waist, heavy hands on her thighs, anchoring her in place...

  And sizzling lips all over her bare ass.

  She sputtered and gasped. “You call this ‘normal'?"

  "It's normal for me,” he murmured against her. “Besides, I did promise to atone for that flogging."

  "In your Bentley? In the school's lot? Where anyone can walk by and see?"

  "You weren't worried about that a few minutes ago."

  "My ass wasn't in plain sight through the windows a few minutes ago, either."

  "No. Mine was. Now it's your turn. Relax. Everyone's inside at some kind of awards luncheon. Didn't you read the program?"

  "No.” God, this is awkward. “Awards for what?"

  "Damned if I know. For who's lost the most hair, maybe. Who's gained the most weight. Who cares?” He tightened his grip on her when she clawed and clutched at the front seat, trying to wriggle forward and free. “Just hold still and keep your voice down. Even if someone does come out, I doubt they'll look this way. Why do you think I parked at the back, away from the other cars? To give us some privacy, in case I was able to entice you into a little necking."

  "Dave...” Her tone lowered to a threatening hiss. “This is not ‘necking.’ You are nowhere near my neck."

  "Whatever. This is your own fault, y’ know. You came too fast—again. That means I have to start over. We're going to keep doing this till we get it right."

  "Hey, it didn't feel wrong to me before.” In fact, how much better could it get?

  "There's always room for improvement, babe."

  A shuddering breath rasped out of her as his hands swept up the backs of her thighs, squeezed her fanny, and spread apart her cheeks. With a husky “Mmmm,” he buried his face between her legs, and sucked her clit to a tiny, pulsing erection, then nibbled and licked his way up her crease and settled into the merciless business of tongue-fucking her ass.

  He was very good at it. So good one might have thought he'd invented the activity, or at least owned the patent on it.

  She never had a chance. The new climax fried nerve-endings and crackled her hair. Tina jerked like an electrocution victim, then collapsed like a quivering mound of tapioca pudding. He'd just discovered one of her naughtiest little secrets.

  And he wasted no time taking advantage of it. “You like it that way, huh? Excellent, something else we have in common.” While she hung limp and panting, he ditched the old condom and rolled on a fresh one. “They're lubricated,” he said, as though that explained the action. Which it did.

  "Much appreciated.” The thanks came out on a dry croak. Resistance was futile. He was going to “shove it where the sun don't shine,” whether she was amenable to the idea or not.

  Fortunately, she was amenable. He was right, she did like it that way ... providing her partner knew how to do it properly. Some guys got carried away and tried to pump it in like a pogo stick, which hurt—forcing her to hurt back, of course, but only to educate. A little demo with a dildo worked wonders on the overeager. That wouldn't be a concern with Dave, though, would it? He knew too well how to please.

  He oughta be outlawed. Or bronzed. He'd be able to make her adore it, even if she never had before. The man had taken over her body. She'd lost control, but with him, submission felt so ... so ... What's better than “wow"?

  How could she fight such a lethal blend of tenderness and dominance, such down-and-dirty skill? That's why she could hand over her reins to him, because she could trust him, with ninety-nine percent certainty, to pleasure her without pain. And the one percent of doubt—that tiny, but always possible danger from his rare bursts of temper—added just enough challenge to keep things interesting. Yeah, he was perfect for her.

  She wiggled against his hand as he stroked through her wetness and worked first one finger, then two, into her rear passage—stretching her, spreading her juices, readying her for him.

  "Mmm, you're so tight.” He slid his fingers in and out, while warning her what he'd do next. “I'm going to enter you slowly—really slowly—so you can feel every inch of my ‘huge lance’ as I stuff it into you. And you're going to take every inch of me, too—I'll make sure you do. You'll love it, babe. I'm going to fill you wit
h fire."

  Tina groaned. Damn, if she didn't almost pop her cork again, just from the sexy timbre of his voice, a sound like burnt sugar, hot and sweet. Smoke filled her head. Her breath turned to steam. She wanted more.

  She got it.

  With infinite care, he drew her backward, and pushed into her—inch by inch, as promised—till she was snug on his lap with his cock buried to the hilt between her cheeks. He kissed her neck, unzipped her halter-top and let his touch rove over her bared breasts, down to her pussy, and back up again, fondling her front while he fucked her behind.

  "Maybe I'll keep you here, naked, all day,” he whispered, “just to see how many times I can make you cum, and in how many different ways."

  The words alone might have done it, but coupled with those roving hands and that steel rod shoving into her, orgasm was inescapable. She melted into slag on the spot. White-hot, molten waves coursed through her.

  Dave pressed a palm against her mouth to stifle her cry. His chuckle vibrated against her spine. “Ah, c'mon, sweetheart, you're making it almost too easy."

  Was that a challenge?

  Tina blinked a red haze out of her eyes as her pulse slowed from a gallop to a trot. He might have just thrown down a gauntlet before her. Quickly, she raked her wits together.

  Laugh it up, pal. Dem's fightin’ words.

  If the man wanted a sexual duel, he'd get one. He was good—damn good—but so was she. And she had the advantage on him now. She had three climaxes behind her (four, if she counted the one at the club), while he hadn't cum once yet. Showoff. Flaunting his iron control to better toy with hers, huh? Granted, she'd enjoyed the toying. She could admit that, finally. This dominance game was a ton of fun the way he played it. But she didn't want to be selfish. Poor Davy must be ready to burst by now.

  And if he wasn't, he soon would be.

  With a throaty laugh, she slid off him onto the floor by his feet, twisted around to kneel between his knees, leaned forward, giving him a stupendous view of her breasts, and grinned at him, like a cat ready to lick some cream.

  Dave gulped. He knew he was in trouble, she could tell. Beads of sweat appeared on his brow. “Um ... what do you think you're doing?"

  "Either admiring your Bentley's carpeting, or getting ready to give you a blow-job. You choose."

  "Well, it is nice carpeting. Oh, shit—” He grabbed her wrists, but too late.

  She'd already rolled the condom off him, cupped his testicles with her left hand, and fisted her right around the base of his erection. Her grip tightened in proportion to his attempt to break her hold. “Careful sweetie, if you pull me away, something you value may go with me."

  "Hey now, wait a minute.” He shot her a frown, trying so hard to look stern. And failing so adorably. “Have I given you permission for this?"

  "I need permission?” Her brows arched upward. “I thought we were supposed to be making love like normal people."

  "Oh, sure, throw that in my face.” He suppressed a moan as she traced the underside of his shaft with the tip of her tongue. The hand-lock on her wrists convulsively clenched. “So I'm a little kinky. So sue me."

  "Nope. I'd rather suck your brains out.” She nuzzled the firm flesh in her grasp and inhaled. Mmm, he smelled delicious—all male. Her chin tilted up and she flashed him a naughty look through hooded eyes. “I'm kinda kinky, too. Like you said, we're a lot alike. And like my mom's always said, ‘what's good for the goose is good for the gander.’”

  "Your mother's full of quaint expressions, isn't she?"

  "She's full of something.” Tina nibbled a hot path down to his balls.

  Dave let out a guttural groan. “You're not going to let me out of this, are you?"

  She licked him again, like a lollypop. “Do you really want me to?"

  "God, no.” His grip on her wrists popped open, and he buried his hands in her hair.

  Smart man.

  Tina closed her lips over his cock, pushed down, and sucked him deep into her mouth, so deep the smooth, mushroom head bumped the back of her throat. So deep he shuddered and his fingers dug into her scalp. Sliding him in and out, mixing delicate scrapes of her teeth with some creative tongue action, she sucked him till he exploded like a firecracker, till she'd milked him dry and swallowed every drop.

  Dave collapsed into the padded backrest, gasping for air.

  Ha! So much for control.

  In smug triumph, she climbed onto the seat and knelt facing him, straddling his lap. Well, actually, it was her breasts that were facing him, but, with his eyelids seared shut, he hadn't noticed that yet. She rested her right hand on his shoulder and leaned forward a little. “There, you see, it's not so bad letting someone else take charge once in a while, is it?"

  "Gee, why does that sound so familiar?” he mumbled, as though to himself. “Oh, I know. It's because I'm usually the one who says that."

  "Yeah, well, brace yourself, Master Dave, because Mistress Tina now holds the reins."

  She held something, anyway, as her left hand still cupped him.

  Like a deep-sea diver hauling up from the ocean floor, Dave pulled himself out of a post-orgasmic stupor. His eyes opened to the sight of “Mistress Tina's” tits staring at him point blank.

  He stared back.

  "Be a good boy, and I may let you suck them,” she said.

  "What?” His eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed with razor-edged amusement. “Hey, listen, little girl, I don't take orders. I give them."

  "Not this time you don't.” She squeezed his balls to let him know she meant business.

  He made a strangling noise and grabbed her ribcage, his thumbs sliding under her breasts. His eyes took on a glacial glint, like blue ice. Very carefully, he enunciated each word. “Lady, you are looking for trouble."

  "Mmm, I think I found some, too.” Her grip shifted to his shaft. “You're starting to get hard again, already. This is turning you on."

  It was turning her on, she knew that. Or was it the low note of threat in his tone, the hint of danger in his gaze that sent an electric thrill down her spine?

  He grinned, an evil slash of white teeth. “I'm getting hard because I'm thinking about how I'm going to fuck your hot cunt in a few minutes."

  His thumbs swept over her nipples, and her vaginal muscles clenched.

  Gulp. She may have bitten off more than she could chew.

  Mistress Tina's thighs quivered in a most irritating, un-dominatrix way, but she was damned if she'd forfeit the game so easily. She raised her chin, and stared down her nose at him. “Uh-uh. Not until I say so."

  "Don't push your luck, sweetheart. I don't know if you realize this, but, aside from my unfortunate lapse with the flogger, I have been pulling my punches with you today. I didn't get the name ‘Devil’ for nuthin'."

  The hands on her tightened, not to hurt, but firm enough to show he could if he wanted. His whisper rasped her like sandpaper. “I can be very gentle ... or not. But, believe me, I can make you like it either way. In other words, babe, let go of my nuts. Now. Or suffer the consequences."

  He leaned in, drew the peak of one tit into his mouth and suckled, then switched to the other and nipped. Both actions, soft and sharp, sent torrid tingles shooting into her core.

  Okay, okay ... She believed him. Sheesh.

  She let go of his balls, but only because she was too tempted to rip them off, and ... well, in the long run, they'd do her more good where they were. She might be pissed, but she wasn't stupid. Besides, it allowed her to use both fists to pound on his shoulders and chest.

  "Damn you, David Hammer. Why does it always have to be your way?"

  "Because you like my way."

  "You liked my way just as much. Or did I hallucinate that malted milkshake I just swallowed?"

  "Yes, I liked your way. A man would have to be dead, buried and decomposing to not like your way. But now it's my turn."

  Turn? Hope glimmered. She ceased pummeling to look him in the eye.

; "We're going to take turns in the dominance department?” She could live with that. It was kind of like having her cake and eating it—or him—too. The best of both worlds.

  Dave smiled. “Of course. I'm a reasonable man. It'll be your turn once every other blue moon. The rest of the time it's mine."

  She lit into him again with flying fists. “That's not fair!"

  "'All's fair in love and war,'” he quoted. “That's what your mom told me. As I said, she really does have a lot of cute sayings."

  "Cute” wasn't the word Tina would have chosen, but she was too busy beating on his chest to argue the point.

  "Jeezus, woman. You're making me wish I had a set of manacles handy. That'll teach me. From now on, I'll always keep some in the car."

  She sputtered and choked as he caught her arms, anchored them behind her, and locked both her wrists in his left hand. His right hand buried in the tumble of curls at the base of her skull and tugged back her head, exposing her throat to an ungodly open-mouthed mauling that sent hypnotic heat swirling through her and let her know why the vampires’ victims in the movies always gave in so easily.

  Damn, this was jalapeño hot. But scary, too. Any moment she expected him to sink fangs into her jugular and drain her blood, which was pumping so fast it would probably spurt all over and ruin the lavish interior of his Bentley. Might that deter him? Nah. Shit, he had enough money to just buy a new Bentley. She panted and made little mewling and hissing sounds, like a frightened, angry kitten.

  Muscled arms contracted. The fist in her hair firmed its grip. With steady pressure, which created little pain, not like a yank would have—not that she had enough working brain cells right then to notice—Dave pulled her more squarely onto his lap and pushed her snugly against his groin, so his newly established erection slid horizontally through her folds and rubbed her clit. Now, that she noticed. She moaned and squirmed and bit her tongue to keep from crying out and attracting an audience, just in case any was lurking nearby.

  "Tina, relax. I'm not going to hurt you. It's just so much fun to tease you and make you think I am, I can't help myself.” Dave chuckled. “Hell, I haven't even put any hickeys on your neck—though I've been sorely tempted."