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Tina Takes a Tumble [Reunion Series Book II] Page 7
Tina Takes a Tumble [Reunion Series Book II] Read online
Page 7
He was Satan's spawn, an evil, evil man.
While she bordered on hyperventilating, he let go of her wrists to fish out another plastic packet, tear it open with his teeth, and thumb out the condom. Real macho. She was too weak by that time to resist. Too resigned to her fate.
And too goddamned aroused.
Help me, Lord. This guy was ruthless.
"Lift your hips, babe, just for a sec. Your ‘fierce knight’ needs to don his armor."
A gentle tug on her hair urged her upward, off him, and he sheathed himself. Then he released her hair, and both his hands were on her waist, lowering her onto his cock, “impaling her on his huge lance” once more. They seemed to have become mentally stuck on that silly euphemism, so, no doubt it was appropriate she be stuck, physically, on that to which it referred.
"Oooooh...” A low groan escaped her as he drove deep into her cunt. For a devil, he felt like one wowzer of a big piece of heaven. Her eyes closed, her head tilted back, and she clutched his shoulders. Suddenly, all she wanted was to ride him to the moon.
Wouldn't you know the dickhead wouldn't let her.
"Don't move.” Those strong, hot hands held her glued to his groin. “Do. Not. Move."
Ah, no ... no...
She almost strangled him in frustration. “You and your fucking dominance.” Or should that be “dominant fucking"? Whatever. It sucked at this particular moment. And not in the good way. Her fingers dug into the flesh above his collarbone, itching to grab his throat. Her words came out in a whimper. “God, I hate you."
"So you keep saying. Why don't I believe it?"
Her breath caught on a sob. “Because I don't believe it either.” She crumpled forward and wrapped her arms about his neck, burying her face against the side of his head. “It's just that you make me so friggin’ mad. If you want to fuck me, then fuck me, for chrissake. Stop torturing me. I'm ready to explode."
"I know. And that is exactly why we are going to sit here, very still, until we've got it under control. Because the longer we can hold off the explosion, the bigger and better it feels.” His arms wound around her waist, pulling her closer against him. “Also, I'm on my last condom, so I want to make this round extra special. Wait'll you hear my idea."
Uh-oh, what now?
"Davy, they've all been special for me. Do you think I go off like a fireworks display with everyone? I don't. I'm usually the one with the control. The fact that I lose it with you just proves how I feel about you, sweetie. You're the only one who's ever driven me crazy like this."
"Ah. Well, that figures. I am the best."
"Just what I need. A comic Dom."
"But a modest one, you'll have to admit."
"Ha. Ha. Ha.” She'd have slapped him, except for one thing. She agreed.
He is the best. For me. And she did need him. Now. Heavy, hot ache burned in her belly. To feel him pressed against her, and inside her ... so sensual, so solid ... and so still ... Groan. This was like something out of the Spanish Inquisition.
Very soft and light, Dave kissed the tender spot where her shoulder met her neck. “You're the best, too, beautiful lady."
His husky whisper sent warm shivers dancing over nerve ends.
Her ache increased. “I want to move, damn it."
"Shhh ... not yet. I'll tell you when."
I'll tell you something now. With body language.
She gripped him with inner muscles and squeezed.
It earned her a pinch on the ass. “Ow!"
"I said I will tell you when."
"Who died and left you in charge?"
"I'm in charge because I'm good at it."
"And I'm not?” She lifted her head to glare at him.
He answered with a sexy stare, his eyes half closed—sexy and sure of it. “Sweetheart, you're a very talented amateur. I, however, am an accomplished pro.” His hand smoothed over her bottom and rubbed the cheek he'd pinched. “Now, hold still—everywhere—or I will delay the main event even longer. And I'll do bad, dirty things to you while we wait."
He whispered some of those things in her ear.
He was right. They were dirty.
Tina's breath went ragged. She clenched her teeth to stop herself from clenching anything else. How much more could she stand? The forced immobility all by itself was becoming a huge turn-on. Dave obviously knew that. He knew almost too much, didn't he? And she knew ... maybe less than she'd thought.
Sudden doubt warred with desire. A chill crawled over her, raising goose bumps on her arms, mocking the inner heat. She loved him, yes—had decided such a short time ago he was perfect for her, that their relationship would be one of equality—but she had to face facts. This is equal? Her pride had taken a beating today. She wasn't submissive by nature, never had been. That he'd dominated her so fast, so easily, and excited her so much in the process, was...
Shit! She wished she wasn't thinking this. Her breath rasped out in something midway between a sigh and a moan.
Dave tensed slightly beneath her. “Uh-oh, I don't like the sound of that. What's up?"
"Besides you, you mean?” She tried to turn it into a joke. Having always avoided the emotional side of sex, she wasn't sure how to discuss it now, wasn't sure she wanted to. Her mind might be filled with concerns, but her lower portion was filled with his dick. Nuff said—literally. Couldn't they talk later? Please? She'd never been good at multi-tasking.
"Look at me.” He cupped her chin in his hand and forced her to meet his gaze. “Now, what is the matter?"
Geeze, Svengali had nothing on this guy. Those mesmerizing blue eyes pulled the “matter” straight out of her. Just another sign of how he could make her do anything he wanted. On that thought, anger flickered, and the words tumbled forth.
"If you must know, it's you and this damn dominance game. However well you play it—or, more to the point, because of how well you play it—I'm afraid it's going to wear thin before long, and I'll end up resenting you for manipulating me all the time. Even if I enjoy it while you're making me enjoy it, I'm not sure I appreciate feeling you have more control over my body than I do. My mom would say I'm ‘like putty in your hands.’ I don't know if I really want a lifetime of being putty. I'd like to be able to love you and still hang onto a little self-respect, if that's possible."
"Mmm...” He made a low, growling murmur while he fondled her backside. “You don't feel like putty to me."
A suspicious twitching touched his lips.
"God, you're incorrigible. And now you're laughing at me on top of it.” She shoved at his chest, in an effort to twist free.
His arms clamped around her, crushing her against him, holding her fast.
"Oof ... and squashing me, I might add.” Was this to be the pattern of their sex life together? Always? She wanted to weep.
"Shhh ... calm down, or you'll have a lot more than ‘squashing’ to deal with. I don't know if you've noticed it, but this is incredibly erotic the way you're wriggling on top of me."
Oh hell, so it was ... He would bring that to her attention, wouldn't he?
With a half-sob, she sank against him in surrender. “There's no way to win with you, is there? This dominance thing is all a big, brutal power show."
"No, it's not. For some, maybe, but not me—never has been.” His hold relaxed a notch, turned to a hug, turned tender. “It's just what I told you when I first brought you to the club today. It's all about giving pleasure. I'm the Santa Claus of Sex, sweetheart. I live to give. Being in charge just allows me to give more, because it puts all my focus on you. I'm not dominating so much as pampering. Every move is geared to make you feel good."
Sigh ... He was making it difficult to stay angry with him was what he was doing. But he still wasn't being fair. “Davy, don't I get a chance to give? I want to make you feel good, too."
"Ah, baby, you do. Pleasing you is my pleasure. The better I can make it for you, the better it is for me.” He nuzzled her neck, kissing her between whispered
words. “You've been driving me crazy today, you know that? Loving you, lady, is the biggest turn-on of my life. You are pleasure incarnate."
Oh God. It was a lucky thing she was already supported, or that little speech would have buckled her knees. She melted into the embrace and hid a smile against his shoulder. “Okay, I guess I can accept that."
"Good.” Dave took her face between his hands and planted a resounding smackeroo on her mouth.
Tina's eyes spun ‘round. Wow, even his playful smooches were lollapaloozas.
"So ... you wanna hear my brilliant idea for this last boink in the Bentley?” he asked.
"Do I have a choice?"
"Nope. I better warn you, though, it's pretty kinky."
Of course. What else?
She braced herself. “All right, let me have it."
Dave grinned. “With pleasure."
He gripped her hips and started pushing up into her with short, even strokes, until she caught the rhythm and lifted and sank to meet him on each one. Then the strokes grew longer, deeper ... smooth and sweet as thick cream ... super yummy.
But kinky?
This was how normal people did it. Well, normal people who were very much in love, and who'd each had their share of practice. Or, a bit more than their share. Whatever.
Tina gave herself over to the motion. It was dreamy, like a choreographed dance, a perfect, harmonious blending of hearts and bodies and souls. She could almost swear she heard music, the mellow, rich strains of guitars...
Oh wow, Pink Floyd's “Wishing You Were Here." One of her and Dave's old favorites from way back when, its lyrics asking her if she could tell the difference between Heaven and Hell.
Good question. Hell was the insecurities of the past, perhaps, which had kept them apart for so long. So many foolish, ironic years, with both of them wishing the other were there and never guessing they were wishing the same thing. Thank God that was over. Heaven, for her, was this moment and the future—making love now and in the years to come, wrapped snug in the arms of a devil. So, okay, there was a little hell in that heaven, but it was the good kind.
She hugged Dave and held on for the ride.
"Now listen carefully. Here's what's happening,” he whispered. “We're going to continue just like this until we explode together. Simultaneous orgasm."
Tina shivered with a delicious thrill. “Ooooh, that is kinky."
"Sarcasm is unnecessary. Just follow my lead and watch your timing so we can do it right.” His chuckle mixed with her giggle as he squeezed her tighter. “And may this be but the first of many."
"Cool. You pray during sex, too. Yet one more thing we have in common."
"Dave, shut up and fuck."
"Hey, woman, are you ordering me? Me?"
"Okay. But I'll have to spank you for it later."
"Promises, promises—eeeeek!” She clutched him as he revved into overdrive. “Ooooh, yes, yesss! Harder—faster—more, more! Impale me on your huge lance! Consume me in the flames of your passion..."
The rest of the speech was lost in a blend of laughter and gasps while they soared out to the stars and burst into a billion shining bits, then floated back to Earth on a golden cloud and collapsed in sated wonderment in the backseat of the Bentley.
Life was good. Very good. And Tina expected it to only get better from now on. She just hoped Angel and Giorgio were as happy.
"I love you, David Hammer."
"Mmmm...” was all he could answer, but it was enough, because he kissed her while he mumbled it. And when Dave kissed, he really, really kissed.
"Mmmm...” she echoed.
"All's well that ends well,” as Mom would no doubt say. Once she starts speaking to me again. Oh well...
Together, she and Dave cuddled in the car, as Pink Floyd faded out in the background.
* * * *
Tom Hicks lowered the volume on his truck's CD player. He'd turned it up loud when those two were at their noisiest, to cover their cries from any passing ears. The awards luncheon had just broken up and his old classmates were starting to filter out into the lot. But, fortunately for Dave and Tina, Tom had spotted the activity in the Bentley first, and had quickly re-parked his big pick-up behind the car to offer them a little more privacy.
Twenty years ago he'd have sold tickets to the show, but he'd grown up a lot since then. He still had a few quirks, but he was nicer than the asshole he once was. Too bad he couldn't say the same for Ms. Rich Bitch Sally Savoy.
If anything, she's become an even bigger pain in the ass.
He frowned through the windshield at a tall, voluptuous blonde exiting the school, with her nose in the air, as always. She'd been a pretty girl, he remembered. She was one gorgeous hunk of woman now. A little on the plump side, but he liked them that way.
I just don't like her. Such a waste. He could have had a fun evening to look forward to otherwise, since they were stuck with each other for the reunion banquet.
Sally had been head cheerleader when he'd been captain of the football team, and together they'd been crowned king and queen of the senior prom. That put them next to each other at the VIP table at the banquet, thanks to the fucking nitwit who'd made the seating chart. There was no escaping it. Tom knew. He'd tried. Now he sighed.
"Just grin and bear it. What can't be cured must be endured,” Mrs. Molina would tell him. Great gal, that Mary Morris Molina. She'd have to be to have raised a daughter like Tina.
Dave, you are one lucky son of a gun.
Tom glanced at the Bentley in his rearview mirror. If they didn't come up for air soon, he'd have to toot his horn or something to warn them they were no longer alone out here. He owed Dave too much to not help. And Tina ... Hell, he'd admired her ever since that day in the cafeteria when she'd punched him. A smile lit his face at the thought of those two finally getting it together. He'd always known they were a perfect match.
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Mimi Riser
Mimi Riser has been an actress, model, clown, belly-dancer, jewelry designer, editor and publisher, but her first and foremost love is writing. She specializes in offbeat tales where laughter reigns and good always triumphs—but she makes her characters really work for their happy endings. Her books have been said to read like a snowball rolling downhill, gathering size and speed as it goes. But if you think her stories are crazy, you should see her life. Once devout city people, she and her husband exchanged the hustle and bustle of Philadelphia a lifetime or two ago for the natural, rugged splendor of the rural southwest. They were looking for a simpler way of life. They got it. It ended up being so “natural and rugged,” they spent their first six and a half years there in a hand-built house with dirt floors, no electricity and no plumbing. This has proved helpful for her historicals as she can now write about the “olden days” from personal experience. They have since rejoined the 21st century and enjoy life on the open range with a house full of eccentric cats and a large, wacky dog who thinks she's a cat, too. Mimi has had five novels published to date along with numerous articles and short stories. Her historical romance, I Do, was a “Top Ten Finisher” in the mammoth Preditors & Editors Readers Poll of 2003, and her contemporary comedy, Every Jack Needs His Jil, won the poll the following year for the “Best Mainstream Novel of 2004.” Samantha White and The Seven Dwarves is her first erotic-romance and was one of the winners in Amber Quill's 2007 Heat Wave contest.
To learn more about Mimi and her writing, please visit her web site: www.mimiriser.com
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